The Gary Underwood story – Under the radar The Boating New Zealand magazine published an article back in September 2019 about Gary Underwood, the designer of Shoestring...
I may have found what I’ve been looking for In my last post I mentioned that I haven’t found any production boats in the max 36-37 ft range...
What have I been up to lately? (Contains thoughts regarding simplicity and comfort) So, what’s been going on? Thinking, planning, dreaming. That’s pretty much it. No sailing whatsoever. I moved down to...
Exhilaration! Note: Still tagging this as the “Wing Sail build 2015” as it’s basically a step towards it. Converting this...
Finally, some progress After a lot of delays this spring I’m again working on the sail. I’ve decided, due to time constraints,...
Bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life? Just stumbled upon the following quote by Sterling Hayden: “To be truly challenging, a voyage, like a life, must...
Now this is a cozy barebones interior I can only assume it’s Tamata as he never made it to Polynesia with neither Marie-Thérèse nor Marie-Thérèse II...
The Hebridean has arrived And I feel like a little boy on Christmas! The Hebridean wind vane self-steering servo-pendulum gear (what a mouthful)...
The Hebridean wind vane self-steering gear The Hebridean wind vane is a very affordable DIY servo pendulum self-steering gear that has a few (at least...
Why low-tech? Why low-tech, you might wonder. Well, the answer is really simple. That’s the answer. I don’t plan on spending...